
A treetop adventure introducing older children to a more challenging treetop trek with higher platforms and longer zips. Treetop Adventure+ is all about the ‘more’. More speed, more air, more freedom, more height and more thrills. If you are looking for a step up from our Adventure course, turn things up a notch with Adventure+. A chance to engage in where food really comes from. Through a hands-on (and tasty) tour.

discover how we ensure our garden remains sustainable and organic. The group will be able to pick and eat some of our produce straight from the plants and also help with either harvesting or sewing crops as well.

A high ropes activity designed for older children with (or without) their families in mind. Adventure+ hits the feel-good factor every time.Looking for something more challenging and ideal for adults? Treetop Challenge might just be the answer.

Quick Info

  • Level Easy
  • Duration 1-4 hours
  • Player 20
  • Age 10 - 18



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